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School Application




photo of an suv belonging to the hubbard township zoning department

About Us

A Resolution of the Township of Hubbard, Ohio, enacted in accordance with a comprehensive plan and the provisions of Chapter 519, Ohio Revised Code, dividing the unincorporated portion of the Township into zones and districts, encouraging, regulating and restricting therein the locations, constructions, alternation and use of structures and land; promoting the orderly development of residential, business, industrial, recreation, and public areas; providing for adequate light, air, and convenience of access to property by regulating the use of land and buildings and the bulk of structures in relationship to surrounding properties; limiting congestion in the public righ-of-ways; providing the compatibility of different land uses and the most appropriate use of land; providing for the administration of this Resolution, defining the powers and duties of the administrative officers as provided hereafter, and prescribing penalties for the violation of the provisions in this Resolution or any amendment thereto; all for the purpose of protecting the public health, safety, comfort and general welfare; and for the repeal thereof.

Zoning Department Office

Our Zoning Office is open daily 10AM-1PM


(330) 534-2161 Ext. 5

Zoning Administrator

Rene McCarthy

Zoning Inspector 


Submit a question:

Thanks for submitting!

Hubbard Township
Zoning Commission

Chair - Monica Baker
Vice Chair - Megan Evans

Peggy Fluent

Ray McElroy

Charles Cook

Alternate - Justin Mikula

Alternate - Margie Johnson

​Secretary - John Bassetti


Hubbard Township
Board of Appeals

Chair - Paul Kilar
Vice Chair - Albert Alexander

Ed Wittenauer

Kim Learn

Jim Phibbs

Secretary - Melanie Glaser


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